On April the 1st 2020 a press release, which could easily be dismissed as a joke, announced that Nigel Donogue, CEO of CIGA was launching a new end to end Installation organisation with the strap line 'Right first time'.

What made some people think it was a prank was that the only content of subance on the launch web site was a list of CIGA's 'remedition contractors' (see appendix) - companies paid to fix problems with retrofit. Very 'Right first time'!

However it turns out to be a real thing and very concerning as this is clearly a restructuring of CIGA to capitalise on an expected retofit boost following adoption of the PAS standards and Trustmark 'quality mark' all of which were a fallout from the Each Home Count review.
 It also appears to be an attempt to shake of the toxic brand of CIGA which again was brought up in parliament on May 2020 

In case there was any doubt of IAA being a rebrand.  Companies House as of 4 Jun 2020 shows that IAA is CIGA people.

PAS in many ways is a headache to the traditional cavity wall instuation model whereby the industry grabs millions of pounds via carbon credits covered with a hollow guarantee from CIGA. It didn't matter if the house was not suitable, the cavities full of rubble or in some cases the wall had no cavity. If there were drillholes done: cash could be claimed without independent scruitny.

PAS2035 requires a retrofit co-ordinator to be involved an sign off on an intervention in the context of a whole house assesment and so there should no longer be people cold calling to install CWI alone but a holistic review in order to find the most appropriate solution for energy saving.
This sounds promising as it would be a opportunity for the goverment to mandate that the retrofit co-ordinator role is an independent role, similar to that of a building control employee.
However, there doesn't seem to be a requirement for independence and IAA (aka CIGA2) are purpoting to offer an end to end solution include design and specification.
This is a disaster for consumers as CIGA has a massive conflict of interest due to directors ownership of companies that profit from all installations good or bad.
Unless something is done to assert this independence, retrofit co-ordinator will quickly become a tick box that 'my mate dave can do the sign off for £70 quid' which has plagued self certification schemes.

At worst it could be that company X wants to install CWI, convinces home owner then gets CIGA2 to sign off the paper work for retrofit co-orinator approval.  If this turns out to not be the optimal solution then i'm sure CIGA2 will refuse to engage in any technical discusion and offer ADR(which is confidential and not open to scrutiny).
The only possible safeguard would be Trustmark but given their endorsement of CIGA and parroting of CIGA's narrative that problems in the industry are down to a few rogue traders (failing to mention Mark group,  Carillion, British Gas, Miller Pattison), I have little faith in any sort of meaningful oversight of this problematic industry.

As CIGA has such a poor track record of managing quality and redress in one part of the sector (CWI) , why on earth would BEIS, Trustmark and EHC allow them to expand into whole house retofit.  CIGA2 can boost the value of its director's companies by giving them end to end acreditation for any intervention covered by PAS (solid, loft, floor insulation).
Far from being a rap on the knuckles, the institutions which are meant to protect the public are rewarding and promoting them.


IAA's 'Right first time' list of remediation contractors is just a carbon copy of CIGAs 


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