Are vulnerable people entitled to free CIGA ADR still?

CIGA used to have a statement on their website which said that those identified as vulnerable would be able to go thorough ADR without charge.  It appears to have disappeared.

Someone in dire need contacted me and I suggested that they would certainly be classed as vulnerable and should contact CIGA to explain. Only I could not find any references to this scheme on the current website.
This is not nit picking. There are vulnerable people who are suffering terribly with the consequences of poorly installed, on inappropriate insulation. If they don't know about this scheme then they won't know to ask.
The vulnerability policy was also a key point in the Each Home Counts 'case study' of CIGA.

Looking at an earlier snapshot - it't is very clear.

Here is link to the arbitration information
I have taken a snapshot of the  current version of the website on Friday 30 Aug 2019. There is no mention of this scheme.
This is very concerning as we don't know if this is a silent change in policy, a deliberate change to avoid drawing attention to the scheme or just incompetence in updating the website.


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