What was Nigel's positive information on the BRE Wales report?

In a talk to PCA April 2017. Nigel Donohue CEO of CIGA says industry “Presented positive information to the Welsh Government following BRE report into cavity and solid wall insulation”.

I have just re-read the Post Installation Performance of Cavity Wall Insulation- BRE Wales.
CIVALLI has a good summary on their web page.

The thing that struck me was that so many of the properties where completely unsuitable and this was easily demonstrated by competent surveyors as opposed to unqualified inspectors from the guarantee agencies.

The following sentence shows what consumers are up against with companies like CIGA:

Not a single claim was successful despite almost all the properties showing violations of BBA certificates and CIGA's own guidelines with  clear evidence of poor workmanship and/or materials which the guarantees explicitly cover.
When CIGA inspects properties, it is not in their interest at all to actually do a proper survey. If they went looking for violations such as narrow cavities or rubble then they would have to pay up for a full extraction based on the fact that the properties were unsuitable.

So what was this "Positive information" that Nigel presented? Was it that on reviewing the massive evidence of widespread poor installation and abysmal failure of the materials in these properties that Nigel reimbursed the cost of extraction and apologies at the inadequacy of CIGAs inspection and premature rejection of the claim. It seems unlikely.

It's totally unacceptable that CIGA with confirmation bias being its modus operandi can continue business as usual.  Why are other agencies not more directly critical about the guarantee agencies?


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