Update on CIGA and Energy Saving Trust

I have received a response from CIGA on the issue of Energy Saving Trust seeming to distance themselves from CIGA despite their name being on many guarantees with the words 'in partnership with'.

CIGA confirmed that Energy Saving Trust was a partner.
I have seen the correspondence regarding Energy Saving Trust and having seen internal correspondence with Energy Saving Trust at that time the use of their logo was under license following a joint partnership venture with them and as such with their permission. I can only assume their operative was not aware of this due to the obvious time lapse. We are corresponding with them to put the record straight as far as the issue you have raised is concerned.

I asked them if they would investigate the issue that the house was already covered in impermeable paint prior to CWI , especially given their partner EST were pretty clear that it was very likely that my home was not suitable for CWI.

Their response was this:
Yes we have followed up the EST logo issue even though it is a red herring in the scheme of things. CIGA takes on board their comments regarding the technical assessment process but again cannot be taken into isolation with considering other factors. 

 Right! Complete gibberish proceeded by some sort of micro gloat. I do not consider this a 'red herring' as either EST or CIGA are in the wrong and it's highly significant either way. I have just highlighted inconsistencies.
I just don't know how CIGA can get away with such flagrant disregard of industry standards and best practice and explain it away with a nonsense statement. This has been my experience with them for almost a year now.

I asked for clarification or some sort of explanation why CIGA could not take this into account and CIGA wrote to inform me that the have withdrawn their previous offer and told me they would no longer be communicating and that i'd have to take legal action or alternative dispute resolution.

Unfortunately that means I cannot blog any further specifics about my case for legal reasons.
I do however have many articles coming up which look in general at the problems with CWI, abuse of the ADR system, health implications and the legacy of CWI for this country.

I have not heard from Energy Saving Trust since my last post on this issue.


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