The short life of the "Insulation Failures Alliance"

This blog post is entirely based on publicly available information. In an apparent 'road to Damascus conversion' Neil Marshall Chief Executive at National Insulation Association (NIA) set up a twitter account @cavityInsulat1 in late July 2019 and proceeded to express concern about mass failures in CWI. He claimed to be involving 'key stakeholders' and calling for a national survey of the the problem similar in scope to the NIHE report which I've previously summarised here . Marshall initally presented himself as "CIEA" I understand that he made contact and with installers, CIVALLI, BRE and government departments with the stated goal of creating an alliance to set standards for extraction of insulation. [cavity extraction is unregulated]. I don't think anyone ever took his efforts seriously as the 'association' changed names at least 3 times that I'm aware of - broadening in scope each time with the last moniker being "In...